• How are payments made?

    We keep things simple so our clients can focus on the important things. Payments may be made in Cash, eTransfer or via PayPal. In most cases, the full payment must be made in order lock in production date. If Full payment isn’t required, a 50% Non-Refundable Retainer must be made. This is done by the industry to protect our companies for any work done before production.

  • What If the end result wasn’t what I wanted?

    All of our services are Non-Refundable. This is due to our team’s production hours being paid & equipment depreciation. We do however strongly recommend our clients look at their budget, needs, and our portfolio before making payment.

  • What are the turnaround times?

    We work very efficiently, this is why most of our projects take between 5-7 business days. In some cases such as real estate listings where clients need urgent work, projects can be submitted within 48 Hours.

  • Are there any discounts for bulk & frequent orders?

    If you are a Legacy client (2012-2020), Small discounts are automatically applied to your invoice. For new clients we offer incentives & try our best to work within certain budgets. However, Bulk package orders are available for most products we offer. Simply contact us for any questions you may have.

  • Are there any hidden fees in the pricing?

    We hate hidden fees', this is why we are very transparent when it comes to “Extra” charges. We would only charge extra for hours worked outside of what is included in a specific package. Most packages have Travel & Expenses included up to a set amount, if this is exceeded we charge $0.50/km and $100/hour of extra filming.

  • Can I cancel a package If I changed my mind?

    Yes, we would require a 3 day Minimum notice on all cancellations. The retainer will also be refunded unless any time has been already put into the project such as Meetings, storyboarding, pre-production, etc.